¿a mi palabritas de amor?

Trabajando en la tesis, leyendo una cosa de George Loewenstein, me he encontrado una sugerente cita de Tocqueville. Dice algo así como que contigo pan y cebolla si no me queda más remedio pero como me traigas un día palabritas de amor lo mando todo a tomar por culo:
Nations that have endured patiently and almost consciously the most overwhelming oppression often burst into rebellion against the yoke the moment it begins to grow lighter. The regime wich is destroyed by revolution is almost always an improvement over its immediate predecessor... Evils which are patiently endured when they seem inevitable become intolerable once the idea of escape from them is suggested.
A. de Tocqueville. The Old Regime and the French Revolution. Harper and Bros, NY. 1856, p.214.

no he podido más que pensar en Grecia. O en España, no sé. Revolution is comming.


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