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vía incresingmu.. un evento que promete: una especie de conferencia (symposium) sobre un libro de reciente factura: Free market's fairness. El libro es de John Tomasi. Cada vez me sorprende más la visibilidad que tienen lo proponentes de determinado tipo de ideas. En la conferencia estará Deirdre. Tomasi se prnuncia en estos términos:
My new book, Free Market Fairness (Princeton University Press, 2012), draws on moral insights from defenders of economic liberty such as F.A. Hayek and advocates of social justice such as John Rawls. In Free Market Fairness I develop a hybrid theory of liberal justice, one committed to both limited government and the material betterment of the poor. Free market fairness seeks to combine the uncombinables: capitalism and democracy, private property and social justice, free markets and fairness, the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. Free market fairness, I believe, is social justice, American style.
Yo creo que el American style es un sueño cinemascópico.
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